Wednesday 6 July 2016

Going Green... even at THAT time of the month?

Let me take you on a journey back a few months ago when YouTube suggested this video for me. The title caught my eye first, being a school teacher by day and a blogger by night it intrigued me. I had never heard of cloth pads before and I was instantly interested.

Skip forward a week or so and I had watched nearly half of all the YouTube videos on Precious Stars Pad's channel. I was hooked. I needed to know more!

Fast forward to a few weeks later, I had already made my first purchases of cloth pads and menstrual cups and I had never been so excited about having my period next!

Cloth pads soon became my favourite menstrual product and I was able to give my disposable pads and tampons to my local church to help other women in need.

Within two months of YouTube first suggesting that video for me, I had fully converted and was itching to talk to everyone and anyone about my new life choices to spread the word!

I found some great Instagram accounts to follow and enjoyed being a part of the community. I thought I was all set until I was in conversation with the founders of Hannahpad Australia. They offered to send me a few pads to try out and give them some feedback. I thought I had hit the jackpot and I wasn't wrong.

I have now been using Hannahpad cloth pads for three cycles and this is my honest review.

The pads are made of certified organic, unbleached and non-dyed cotton top layers and the pad is backed with a waterproofed fabric to help prevent any leakage.

Hannahpad Pros - 

  • Organic cotton is very soft on your nether regions. If you are like me and can get irritated by some disposable pads this might be a solution for you too.
  • The snaps are very easy to snap together and only need a medium amount of force to open again.
  • In the three months of wearing the pads, I have not had any leakages which I have had with other brands of cloth pads occasionally.
  • Great for the environment as you are not sending your used pads to be dumped in landfill.
  • While the initial cost is higher than a packet of disposables from your local grocery store, in the long run they are better for your wallet.

Hannahpad Cons - 
  • They are so comfy quite a few times I forgot I had my period and therefore forgot to bring a clean pad with me to the bathroom which was inconvenient.
  • Even though I was very careful to wash the pads exactly how I was meant to, sometimes faint stains remained on the pads after one wash. This was easy enough to rectify with another stain treatment and wash but is not ideal for a time strapped teacher.
  • While these were sent to me by the founders, some people may find that the initial cost is high. I would suggest buying a few pads at a time and building up your collection that way if cost is an issue.

Overall, I love my Hannahpad cloth pads. They are so much comfier and smoother than the many other cloth pads I have tried out so far on my journey. They are the number one staple in my menstrual cycle.

If you are interested in Hannahpad products you can find even more information and sizing charts on their website.

While these products were sent to me for feedback and trial purposes all the above is my own writing, thoughts, opinions and reviews. I was not paid to promote the company but once you try the pads you will understand how easy it is for me to be super enthusiastic about the company and their products!

Peace and Planners,
IG - @peaceandplanners

"You shall not pollute the land in which you live." - Numbers 35:33

Thursday 21 April 2016

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

By night, I'm a blogger, Instagram addict, girlfriend and shopaholic but by day... I'm a school teacher. You name the common (and sometimes not so common) sicknesses, I've been exposed to it. Sickness seems to come with the job as do 30 beautiful germ and sickness carrying people. This year, I've become Queen of Sickness (trust me, not the title I wanted to gain this year) and this Queen has created a list to help other adults who have to keep on being adult-like.

Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever


Liquids and Foods ~

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Have some warm/hot tea - adding lemon or lemon and honey will help with any sore throats
  • Fruit juice - the fresher the better!
  • Soup! Soup is your friend
  • Crackers ~ Great to have on hand to lining your tummy before any medications
  • Fresh fruit and veggies!
Fresh foods and healthy foods are best but if you don't have any on hand, eat what you can. It (usually) is much more important for you to feed your body!

Medications, Etc. ~

  • Anti-inflammatory throat spray (I get mine from the local pharmacy)
  • Vitamins 
  • Probiotics
  • Antibiotics ~ if you just can't kick it!

Comfort and Entertainment ~

  • Take a bath - add a bathbomb!
  • Indulge with a facemask or an at-home facial
  • Netflix ~ find a new TV series
  • Instagram/Blogs ~ stay inspired!
  • Read!
  • Go for a walk in the fresh air
  • SLEEP!!!
Of course, it goes without saying this this is just what I like to do! Is there something you do that I don't have on my list? Let me know down below or over on my Instagram!

Peace and Planners (and get well soon!),

"I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world, than stand with the world and be judged by God." - God's Not Dead 2

Tuesday 19 April 2016

The Three P's ~ Welcome!

Planet Earth...



These three P words are very important to me. I was inspired to start this blog to help inspire others as others have in turn inspired me.

They have inspired me to become one with Planet Earth. To become more green. More concious of the toxins I am polluting the world around me with. More open to different ways to tweak how I live to make sure that others who come after me will have a Planet Earth to call home.

They have inspired me to find Peace in all that I do. To become mindful. Consciously creating peace for myself while creating it for the people I affect. Putting myself in their shoes and not just walking a mile but a week or two in them. Imagining people complexly and finding a sense of balance within.

They have inspired me to join the Planner Community. To become organised. But more importantly organising my life for a clutter free mind and a soul which is at rest. To take control of my life and reach goals I never imagined I could reach.

Planet Earth, Peace and Planners... The three P's that I am CHOOSING to rule my life. What rules yours?

Peace and Planners,
IG ~ @peaceandplanners

The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little did not have too little. ~ 2 Corinthians 8:15